The other one..

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Colors of Omission

Bright colors yet to be painted everywhere.. the beige-grey walls of my spinning, humming prison cell screaming out to me, beckoning my senses in seductive whispers and commanding screams holding my transient glances hostage with their mocking bare surfaces. Cold, bland, flawed surfaces.....inviting the touch of my soft, poison stained fingertips, conniving creations that emerge in glorious insolence and bastard pride, vengefully magnificent now.. forgetting the cautious and careful movements of my trembling, cracked hands making them whole brick by brick, as the music of my languishing youth played sweet nothings from the hot, shiny light outside.. flickering flames of elusive smiles and spiteful tears burning away against the short, warm breezes of inadequacy and contempt as the walls came to life or birthed themselves in death - brick by brick.. by my drunk, wiry arms.. moving numb to the sway of my wet, drowning memories of slithering dissent against the snide, reproachful words of passionate love and sneering fury crawling out of the thin slits in the white masks of shadows that danced around me.. the glowing embers of my dark visions now ashen in the corners of my cell, lying smoldering and fuming with unsaid red, and breathless blue of careless kisses, fading green of naked envy.. silken brushes of cruel shards breaking away from thoughtless moments dipping in them, moist strands poised to paint the hopeful crevices with insidious desires.. 

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